Relaxing with Offers

As I recover from over 2 weeks of hectic remodel and listing preparations to my Dallas home, I am reminded of the value in my job and why it is I possess a continued passion as a Designer and Home Stager.

Moving is HARD!!!  Unless you are fortunate enough to have a corporation or someone else do all the work involved, it is nothing short of demanding, both physically and mentally.  I’ve watched it consistently with my clients, and personally experienced it many times over with my own relocations.  It never gets easier.  I just learn how to make it a bit less taxing on myself with each resale based on the wisdom gained from each experience.

I love helping others through this process of preparation in hopes that I too can assist in making their journey less exhausting through “planning.”  By knowing the end to the means, a task list is broken down by priority and by date to keep within timelines and budgets.  As a Property Manager of my family’s real estate investments and an Occupied Home Staging Consultant, I am privileged to advise clients on identifying key areas to focus on their home’s resale to move the house quicker and for more money.

As a Designer and Color Consultant with a passion for Heart of the Home spaces, I love helping clients settle into their homes on the back end as well.  While it’s fun to put your stamp on a new home, it’s also costly and prolonged.  I love helping clients pull it together with guidance to prevent mistakes and unnecessary costs.

As I come to the end of this series, watch as I rest with my owl friends while I await offers on the house.  The end result was a profitable sale that grew my equity and my neighborhood’s property values exponentially.


2 Must Have Essentials in ANY Selling Market for the Best ROI


Listing Day