Listing Day

During this last year, the Covid pandemic has affected our housing marketing in historic ways.  While we initially expected our economy to collapse as we all sheltered in place to remain healthy, our housing market actually zoomed (no pun intended.)  Home pricing across the country ironically increased to historic levels with the buyer demand outpaced by limited new and existing inventory. 

When I interviewed one buyer’s agent, he told me his pain point was when “I watched my buyer cry when they lost homes in repeated bidding wars.”  Another listing agent replied, “Kathy, I felt guilty advising my client to accept a contract 34% over list price!” 

As our pandemic continues, we are all encouraged to take precautions with no end to this health crisis in clear sight.  Last year, I prepared and sold my 50 year old Dallas home at the beginning of the pandemic over asking price.  What is different today one year later?  Sellers clearly continue to have the advantage as houses are appreciating even faster and selling with cash offers and no contingencies in many cases.  I somewhat compare this market to the toilet paper aisle at the grocery store last spring.  Buyers are anxiously awaiting new product.

It’s Show Day at last!  The renovation is done, the house is staged inside and out, and it’s time to pass the baton to my realtor.  In my next to last video of this stager’s home sale during a pandemic, I rest and wait for my equitable return on this remodel.


Relaxing with Offers


Staged At Last…